Planning to Succeed!

Hi everyone! So sorry it’s been a while since I posted! Had a busy weekend! We went on a small trip and it was so much fun!

Anyway! Yesterday I started doing the block schedule and I really like it! I don’t feel scattered, I feel more organized and put together: not like a chicken without her head. 😁

I have noticed a trend in my life… if I have a plan, things go better. 😁 Everyone else probably already knows this, but I’m just picking up on this.

We have a plan for our money aka: budget. And because of that things go so much better in the financial area of our life.

Ok that’s the only plan I’ve had up ’til recently isn’t that sad 😩.

But, this year I now I have a plan for my week. I have a basic weekly plan. I got this from FlyLady, and arranged it to fit my needs.

Mon- Weekly Home Blessing

The link will explain, but this where I go through my house and vacuum , dust, change sheets etc.. ; just blessing my home after a busy weekend.

Tue- Errand Day – anything that needs to be done outside of the house

Wed- Plan and Play day- I do my menu planning, order groceries and work on anything else that needs to be done in advance. I also play with my children , we play games , watch a movie, or just play with something they want to play with. Sometimes more planning than playing gets done, I’m working on changing that.

Thurs- Anti-procrastination Day- I do anything I have been putting off. Then we focus on getting ready for church that night.

Fri- Clean out car and purse day . Very self explanatory 😁.

The weekends are busy with church so the focus is that. I’m learning to not fill my plate fuller than I can handle.

I also have a plan for my food now, aka menu. 😁

This is something I’ve tried and tried and now I think I’m succeeding. I believe it’s working now because I’ve simplified it. I have now made it where we will pretty much eat the same thing every week. Will we get bored? Maybe. But, so far no. I won’t go into what our menu is of yet, I would like to make it look pretty before I put it on here. But if you really want to know you can contact me in the contact section or via Instagram.

And NOW, I have a plan for my day! Yay!! I have a time for Bible reading, cleaning, cooking, etc… My day is blocked out and things are scheduled 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼. So hopefully I will get back to being consistent with these posts, cause I have made a time for it!

If you would like to know more about block scheduling go see Jordan Page at

And a big thanks to my friends who introduced me to her website and ways!

Love y’all,

Mrs. Coldwater

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